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What is holistic health?

Communities Forward

Updated: Feb 17, 2020

The purpose and meaning of life is where health begins - everything else flows from there.

Holistic health (#holistichealth) is the wellness of a person's spiritual intellectual, physical, mental, emotional, and relational well being.

Six Degrees of Holistic Health
Six Degrees of Holistic Health © Communities Forward

Research shows that a person's spiritual, intellectual, and relational health impacts their physical, mental, and emotional well being. This is because the purpose and meaning of life is where health begins - everything else flows from there.

Holistic health is more than body, mind, and spirit - it spans our beliefs, knowledge, interpersonal relationships and lived experiences. These are our unique footprints in the world and it defines the core of who we are which shape our behaviors, decisions, thoughts, and actions. These are the things that drive our happiness, sadness, and so many other things. It is natural for a person to be lifted up by faith, hope, and love or weighed down by anxiety, depression, bitterness, or hurt. These are not just feelings, but rather integrated aspects of the core of our existence - our souls.

While this topic is not often discussed, it should be. While the world faces unrest, confusion, anger, hatred, and division, there is no greater time than now to begin making decisions about our own health and living out those decisions together with others. Think of holistic health as an ongoing relationship with God, yourself, and others acted out by the way you live, how you work, and where you spend your time and energy.

“Spirituality drives the meaning and purpose of our existence. It's not surprising it impacts everything we do and think each day.”

Maybe it's time to engage differently with God, with yourself, and with others. The choice is yours and we are hoping you give yourself the freedom to explore what's possible through building upon your inherent value and looking forward to what's yet to come.

How can Communities Forward help?

We were created for the very reason you're reading this post - to inform, educate and enlighten people to the truth of our human existence, how we can better live out our lives, and the pathway to meaning, peace, and happiness. Are you fully content with your life? If yes, then we celebrate you and invite you to join with us. If not, consider taking the next step to a greater you (#greateryou) to shape and build happiness within you and joy between you and others through reaching up, reaching within, and reaching out.

You have a God-given voice and we want to hear what you have to say. So let your voice shine through. Are you ready to get started? The next step belongs to you!



"Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands" Isaiah 49:16

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